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Why Strategic Content Marketing is so Necessary for your Business!

March 28, 2018

Content marketing is one those topics that truly sounds scarier than what it actually is. I don’t know about you, but I used to cringe at the thought of marketing and creating a strategic plan to attain the level of success in my business that I wanted and dreamed of. But when you think about it, many of us use “content marketing” strategies every day! As a photographer, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard the saying, “Show what you want to book,” – meaning you must show the type of client and/or session that you’d like to book. In my opinion, that is the true meaning of content marketing. So, as I sit and think about what it is I can share with others as it relates to this semi-scary topic, I also find myself at ease knowing that this topic isn’t so scary at all! Knowing who your target market is, what they like and dislike, what they need help with, and what it is that you can share with them to help or inspire them are all key components on how to strategize the best content for your business.

Social media, specifically Instagram, has been one of the strongest forms of advertising and marketing for my business and has really helped me reach my target audience more and more over the years. I’ve found that sharing purposeful content, such as past portrait sessions and wedding images, has improved my client reach drastically. Geotagging locations of past wedding venues, adding in unique hashtags to my image post, and engaging with my audience has significantly helped my following grow and helped me connect with potential clients. As they say, content is king and being strategic about your choice of content is very important.

Hashtags are such a powerful tool! But, before you can really utilize a strategically placed hashtag, it’s important to remember that you must have an unlocked page in order to be found and shared with others (MAJOR KEY!). Creating a personal hashtag is a fantastic reference point for followers and people who are interested in working with you, to see your work. You are able to create a community surrounding your brand and following. Another important strategy is to utilize hashtags well, by placing relevant hashtags in your post that are related to the content you share. Many of my past clients have found me by searching hashtags and connecting with the content I’ve shared.

Once you’ve attracted followers by sharing engaging content on social media, it’s important to provide your potential clients with interesting and meaningful content on your business website and blog. Keep in mind that it’s important to have an easily accessible link to your website and a business email address on your social media page. For example, the “About Me” section of a business page is often an underappreciated place to share relatable content. This is a perfect place to share your story and your “why,” which can attract a tribe of people with common interests. This allows you to sell yourself without having it feel so “salesy.”

Blogging has also created a platform for me to be able to show more of my photography work, and share stories about my client experiences. Having blog content that speaks directly to my audience enables them to learn more about my style of photography and more about me. I’m also able to answer frequently asked questions and provide tips in areas of expertise, which becomes super relevant to my potential client.

Another form of content marketing that I have implemented into my business is email newsletters. I built my list of emails from the inquiries that I’ve received over the past years and have shared monthly updates on various projects that are going on with my brand. I’ve found that this has been a good way to stay in contact with my past and potential clients, and allows them to stay connected with me as well.

Overall, presenting strategic content that helps you market to potential clients is a vital part of being a successful business owner. Showing what you’d like to book more of and speaking directly to your ideal client is key when it comes to strategically marketing your business. Don’t let the idea of content marketing scare you – just strategically think through what type of audience you’re trying to attract and speak directly to them.

This article was shared via Rising Tide Society in their May 2017 Content Marketing Guide titles “The Creative Entrepreneur’s Guide to Content Marketing”. Click HERE to view it.

P.S. –  Have you heard about my photography academy, PhotoBomb Academy, which is an online education platform for photographer and creatives who want to improve their image taking as well as grow their business. There’s lots of helpful information shared on the site and so many amazing things in store! Sign up to the email list to stay connected! I want to help you make your photos BOMB!

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